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Creating an Auto-Loading Playlist is the perfect way to keep up to date on the latest material of interest to you. An auto-loading playlist automatically adds new published content that fits your initial search inquiry.

How to Create an Auto-Loading Playlist:

  1. Start by Searching or Browsing the Audio Digest Catalog.
  2. From this initial search, if desired, you can refine your search by using the Narrow My Results functionality on the left side bar. Use the Keyword bar to add an additional term or use the Search Filters to narrow the results.
  3. Click on Add All Results To My Library
  4. Check the box next to Update My Library and Playlist as similar content becomes available.
  5. Name your playlist in the Enter playlist name text box.

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Issue ID (i.e. AN0103 or ANBR0103)
Date Range
  • PD
    Cannabis Use and Mental Health in Children and Adolescents Pediatrics / Christopher Joseph Hammond, MD, PhD / 1.00 Credits / 28:19 / April 14, 2024 / PD7014
    Cannabis Use and Mental Health in Children and Adolescents

    Pediatrics | Christopher Joseph Hammond, MD, PhD April 14, 2024 | 1.00 Credits | 28:19

    The goal of this program is to improve the management of cannabis use and mental health in children and adolescents. After hearing and assimilating this program, the clinician will be better able to:

    1. Examine the changes in rates and methods of cannabis use in the United States.
    2. Establish relationship between cannabis use of different constituents and the onset of various mental health conditions.

  • PD
    An Update on Immunizations for Pediatric Patients Pediatrics / James Campbell, MD, MS / 1.00 Credits / 27:02 / April 14, 2024 / PD7014
    An Update on Immunizations for Pediatric Patients

    Pediatrics | James Campbell, MD, MS April 14, 2024 | 1.00 Credits | 27:02

    The goal of this program is to provide an update on immunizations for pediatric patients. After hearing and assimilating this program, the clinician will be better able to:

    1. Implement effective approaches for vaccinating against respiratory syncytial virus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and COVID-19.
    2. Prescribe appropriate dosages of nirsevimab in young children.

  • PD
    Head Lice: Management of Infestations in Children Pediatrics / Margaret Fisher, MD / 0.50 Credits / 12:10 / April 14, 2024 / PD7014
    Head Lice: Management of Infestations in Children

    Pediatrics | Margaret Fisher, MD April 14, 2024 | 0.50 Credits | 12:10

    The goal of this program is to improve the management of head lice infestations in children. After hearing and assimilating this program, the clinician will be better able to:

    1. Optimize the management of head lice infestations in children.

  • AN
    Clinical Research in Trauma and Publication Avenues in Anesthesiology Anesthesiology / Peter Nagele, MD, MSc / 0.75 Credits / 24:06 / April 14, 2024 / AN6614
    Clinical Research in Trauma and Publication Avenues in Anesthesiology

    Anesthesiology | Peter Nagele, MD, MSc April 14, 2024 | 0.75 Credits | 24:06

    The goal of this program is to improve patient outcomes through understanding of clinical research in trauma. After hearing and assimilating this program, the clinician will be better able to:

    1. Explain Advanced Trauma Life Support guidelines for fluid resuscitation.
    2. Optimize use of bicarbonate for hemorrhagic shock in patients with cardiac arrest.

  • AN
    Goal-Directed Fluid Therapy: Intravenous Fluid Resuscitation of the Perioperative Patient Anesthesiology / Christopher V. Maani, MD / 0.75 Credits / 26:02 / April 14, 2024 / AN6614
    Goal-Directed Fluid Therapy: Intravenous Fluid Resuscitation of the Perioperative Patient

    Anesthesiology | Christopher V. Maani, MD April 14, 2024 | 0.75 Credits | 26:02

    The goal of this program is to improve use of goal-directed fluid therapy (GDFT) for perioperative fluid resuscitation. After hearing and assimilating this program, the clinician will be better able to:

    1. Compare deleterious effects of over-resuscitation with under-resuscitation.
    2. Distinguish among monitors used in GDFT.
    3. Use pulmonary artery catheters with patients in the intensive care unit.

  • IM
    Current Management of Pneumonia Internal Medicine / Lisa G. Winston, MD / 1.75 Credits / 55:57 / April 14, 2024 / IM7114
    Current Management of Pneumonia

    Internal Medicine | Lisa G. Winston, MD April 14, 2024 | 1.75 Credits | 55:57

    The goal of this program is to improve management of pneumonia. After hearing and assimilating this program, the clinician will be better able to:

    1. Optimize use of multiplex polymerase chain reaction systems for testing in pneumonia.
    2. Use procalcitonin levels to guide community-acquired pneumonia treatment.
    3. Implement updated community-acquired pneumonia guidelines.
    4. Treat recently hospitalized patients with severe community-acquired pneumonia and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection.
    5. Explain outcomes of the GRACE-VAP trial.

  • AN
    Regional Anesthesia for Forearm Fracture Reduction in the Pediatric Emergency Department Anesthesiology / Carmen D. Sulton, MD / 0.50 Credits / 13:14 / April 07, 2024 / AN6613
    Regional Anesthesia for Forearm Fracture Reduction in the Pediatric Emergency Department

    Anesthesiology | Carmen D. Sulton, MD April 07, 2024 | 0.50 Credits | 13:14

    The goal of this program is to improve the use of regional anesthesia in children. After hearing and assimilating this program, the clinician will be better able to:

    1. Select appropriate candidates for regional anesthesia as a potential alternative to pediatric procedural sedation.

  • AN
    Cognitive Aids Anesthesiology / Kim M. Strupp, MD / 0.75 Credits / 20:20 / April 07, 2024 / AN6613
    Cognitive Aids

    Anesthesiology | Kim M. Strupp, MD April 07, 2024 | 0.75 Credits | 20:20

    The goal of this program is to improve management of emergencies using cognitive aids. After hearing and assimilating this program, the clinician will be better able to:

    1. Recognize the advantages of cognitive aids in emergencies.
    2. Optimize the management of emergencies with the use of cognitive aids.

  • AN
    The Most Influential Recent Pediatric Anesthesia Manuscripts Anesthesiology / Jerrold Lerman, MD / 0.75 Credits / 23:24 / April 07, 2024 / AN6613
    The Most Influential Recent Pediatric Anesthesia Manuscripts

    Anesthesiology | Jerrold Lerman, MD April 07, 2024 | 0.75 Credits | 23:24

    The goal of this program is to improve preoperative fasting in children and optimize the use of anesthesia to reduce environmental pollution. After hearing and assimilating this program, the clinician will be better able to:

    1. Recommend appropriate preoperative fasting periods for clear liquids in children.
    2. Implement measures that reduce the environmental effects of inhalational anesthetic agents.

  • EM
    An Update from the Critical Care Literature Emergency Medicine / Skyler A. Lentz, MD / 0.75 Credits / 18:21 / April 07, 2024 / EM4107
    An Update from the Critical Care Literature

    Emergency Medicine | Skyler A. Lentz, MD April 07, 2024 | 0.75 Credits | 18:21

    The goal of this program is to improve management of common issues in critical care. After hearing and assimilating this program, the clinician will be better able to:

    1. Select appropriate intravenous fluids for fluid resuscitation.
    2. Choose induction agents for patients undergoing intubation.

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  • {{kgr.LectureAssociated.Specialty.Acronym}}
    {{kgr.LectureAssociated.Name}}{{kgr.LectureAssociated.Specialty.Name}} / {{kgr.LectureAssociated.PublicationDate | date:'MMM dd, yyyy'}}
    {{kgr.LectureAssociated.Credits}} Credits / {{kgr.LectureAssociated.IsABIM ? "MOC Points (ABIM)" + " " + kgr.LectureAssociated.Credits + " /" : "" }} {{kgr.LectureAssociated.Length.toHHMMSS()}}

    {{kgr.LectureAssociated.Specialty != null ? kgr.LectureAssociated.Specialty.Name : ""}} | {{getCommaBasedSpeakers(kgr.LectureAssociated.speakers)}} {{kgr.LectureAssociated.PublicationDate | date: 'MMMM dd, yyyy'}} | {{kgr.LectureAssociated.Credits}} Credits | {{kgr.LectureAssociated.Length}}

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Auto-loading Playlists?

Creating an Auto-Loading Playlist is the perfect way to keep up to date on the latest material of interest to you. An auto-loading playlist automatically adds new published content that fits your initial search inquiry.

How to Create an Auto-Loading Playlist:

  1. Start by Searching or Browsing the Audio Digest Catalog.
  2. From this initial search, if desired, you can refine your search by using the Narrow My Results functionality on the left side bar. Use the Keyword bar to add an additional term or use the Search Filters to narrow the results.
  3. Click on Add All Results To My Library
  4. Check the box next to Update My Library and Playlist as similar content becomes available.
  5. Name your playlist in the Enter playlist name text box.

NOTE: You will not be able to manually add content to an Auto-Loading Playlist.

